AMCTO – Speaker Session

June, 26, 2023

AMCTO – Speaker Session

Our team has returned from AMCTO with Valuable Insights on Public Misunderstanding 

Our dedicated municipal team members, Nicole Graham-Shank and Jennifer Cross have returned from another successful year at the AMCTO conference, where they had the privilege of joining the speaker session. Their presentation on the topic "How often does public misunderstanding sidetrack your entire day?" sparked engaging discussions among industry colleagues, shedding light on the crucial role of effective communication in municipal settings. Attendees praised the presentation, stating it provided valuable ideas and strategies to navigate the challenges they face.

Municipal staff invests significant time and energy into empowering residents to participate actively. However, the multitude of communication channels and legal requirements, such as agendas, minutes, social media, websites, and public notices, can leave staff feeling overwhelmed.

During the session, we shared actionable tactics and strategies to overcome these challenges. Key takeaways included pre-planning social media communications, leveraging preferred media platforms of diverse audiences, employing messaging templates for efficiency, and emphasizing the importance of service delivery and informative communication rather than mere entertainment.

One attendee aptly pointed out, "Public misunderstanding can derail even the best intentions." We firmly believe that clear and effective communication is essential for citizens to feel engaged and valued by their municipal government.

In addition to effectively communicating essential services, we encourage municipalities to share vital information such as upcoming events, new programs, sustainability initiatives, leadership changes, emergency updates, and economic development opportunities. By understanding your target audience and tailoring messages to their needs and interests, you can cultivate a positive community image and foster cooperation and trust.

Through the implementation of comprehensive communication strategies, municipalities can overcome public misunderstandings, gain support for planning decisions, prevent conflicts, and strengthen the bond between the municipality and its residents.

To learn more about our proven communication strategies and how we can support your municipality in cultivating excellence through effective communication, please reach out to our team. Together, let's forge meaningful connections and enhance communication within your community.

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