A Municipal Communications Strategy Helps Your Municipality By:

  • Defining clear guidelines of communications expectations and policies with both internal and external stakeholders.
  • Providing a big picture view of where you are and outline future goals of where you want to get to, and how to achieve your communication goals.
  • Connecting with the community and building trust through two-way communication with your residents and businesses.
  • Reducing the time it takes to respond to requests, reducing the spread of misinformation, and ensuring the best communication channels are used to reach your intended audience(s).
  • Establishing a clear tone and personality for your communications.
  • Providing tools and templates to measure and maintain your communication efforts.

Our Process


Involves a full review of the current and previous communication activities:

  • Web presence
  • Media and news coverage
  • Social media presence
  • past and current communication and marketing plans
  • Communication policies and procedures
  • Past communications via other channels such as print

Engage and Research

  • Obtaining internal and external stakeholder feedback through interviews, focus groups and/or surveys
  • Using existing communication channels to increase external stakeholder participation in feedback
  • Getting to know your community and what makes you stand apart from the rest – understanding your story and your residents and businesses

Evaluation & Communications Strategy

  • Compiling a comprehensive report from audit, fact finding and stakeholder engagements and developing a communications strategy based on findings and observations.
  • Identifying goals and objectives
  • Ensuring goals that are set are specific, achievable, and measurable

Content and Key Messaging Planning

  • Establishing a consistent brand personality and tone to reach your target audiences
  • Developing a clear content strategy
  • Using a variety of communication channels and formats to best reach and engage your audience
  • Monitoring and measuring performance and adjusting to optimize your content strategy 
  • Engaging with your audience and asking for feedback
  • Develop Key Messaging
  • Graphics templates
  • Response plan
  • Content & topics planners

Metrics and Measurement

  • Tracking social media, website and email engagements
  • Monitoring media coverage
  • Gathering feedback